
Tool Summary #

Onshape is a 3D modeling software, in which users can create sketches, and make those sketches into 3D models that can be edited individually, and assembled with other 3D models. Onshape is a cloud-based computer-aided-design software, meaning users can interact with the same project together, while on different computers.

Quick Facts #

  • Price: Free version and Education version available (with your umw.edu email address)
  • Platforms: Any web browser
  • Recommended For: Intermediate or Advanced users of 3D modeling software
  • Where to Access: onshape.com. New users will need to create an account.

Things to Know #

Onshape has a free version that has more than enough features for complex modeling. Students and educators are able to register for an education account, which is free with their university email address, and includes many more features.

A free Onshape account allows users to create up to 10 private documents (using up to 100MB storage) and unlimited public documents up to a total of 5GB storage space.

In Onshape, users will open a document, and can begin by creating a sketch. Once the sketch is created, users can select from a variety of extrusion tools, which will turn the 2D sketch into a 3D shape. Continuing that process, adding and removing 3D shapes, can result in a complex model.

Onshape can export models as a plethora of file types: PARASOLID, ACIS , STEP (Standard for the Exchange of Product Data), IGES (Initial Graphics Exchange Specification), SOLIDWORKS, PVZ (ProductView Zip), JT (Jupiter Tessellation), COLLADA (Collaborative Design Activity), RHINO (Rhinoceros), and GLTF (GL Transmission Format).

The types that are most useful for 3D Printing, and that are supported by Onshape, are the STL, OBJ, and 3MF file types.

Getting Started Guides #

Onshape Courses #

Accessibility #

Additional Resources #

Additional Resources #