Advanced Digital Projects Inspo

Ready to take your digital projects to 11? Here are some ideas to help inspire some project pizazz.

Audio #

Add a theme song #

Compose your own #

Compose with AI #

Find a royalty-free option #

Pro-tip: Fade, don’t cut! #

A little crossfade goes a long way in making your project sound polished and professional!

Design a logo for your podcast series #

Build a companion site #

Video #

Most video projects include audio as well, so you could use the advice in the Audio section for video projects.

Use green screen to set your video wherever you want #

Simple animations in Canva #

Advanced animations in After Effects #

Build a companion site #

Graphic #

Animate your infographic #

Create a series of infographics contextualized on a website #

Website #

Tell a story using digital media #

Include a storymap or timeline #

Any Project #

Media Resources #

Accessibility #

Accessibility guides for all projects