The Building Continues

Time for more experimentation. Some of these things are pulled directly from the “Are Your Read to Consult” doc (you can find a link on the Teams dashboard). If you aren’t sure of the answer or not even sure what is being asked of you don’t be afraid to ask a DKC consultant or peruse our guides to see if you can find the answer!


  • Add a category to your posts (if you haven’t already). We’ll talk more about what you can functionally do with categories and tags in WordPress but for now categorize your post as something different than the default “Uncategorized”.
  • If your theme has sidebar areas customize them! Sometimes they are on the left, right, header, or footer areas of the site (or all of these places). Most themes add something by default so change it up for what you want people to see in these areas.
  • Add a custom link to your menu that links you back to our DKC Training Course:
  • Find a plugin that changes the functionality or adds functionality to your site and try it out. Yes, this is broad (and perhaps overwhelming?) so think about what you might want to be able to do to your site that you can’t with out of the box WordPress.
  • Write a post about it! For your second blog post I want you to:
    • Tell us what you changed about your sidebars (if applicable to your theme)
    • Tell us about what plugin you chose, why you chose it, and if applicable how we can see it in action!
    • Take a look at the appointment types we have to offer in the DKC and share with us one that you are looking forward to learning more about or one you are most excited to consult in and why!