Mini Workshop

One of the programs we offer in the DKC is the workshop series. From the workshop proposal form:

The Digital Creator Series is a place for creators to share their passion and expertise with others. Is there anything you want to learn? Do you have a skill you want to share? Fill out our survey and let us know!

Workshops can cover a wide range of topics. Once we receive your submission, we will consider your proposal and reach out with any questions. If your presentation proposal is accepted, DKC staff will work with you to turn your idea into a full-fledged workshop.

Before the end of the semester you will get a chance to lead your own mini workshop so you can get a little glimpse of the process.

The Details

  • The workshop will last 15-20 minute
  • You will present on a skill/neat trick/hack of your choosing. This can be something you learned this semester or something you already know that you think you could show others in a short period of time
  • The workshop will happen at one of our cohort meetings


  • Come up with a list of a couple of ideas that you think you could teach in 10-15 minutes. These can be things you’ve learned this semester or something you already know.
  • Bring that list with you to your meeting with Cartland & Shannon

The Jam

  • Once we’ve decided on a topic we will have a jam where we collectively figure out the beats of the presentation
  • We will also come up with a catchy title!
  • Lastly we will decide the date of the rehearsal and the workshop

The Rehearsal

  • A week before you are due to present you’ll run through the workshop as if you were doing it for real. We’ll schedule this rehearsal during one of your weekly shifts.

The Workshop

  • At one of the cohort meetings you’ll present your workshop and take us through
  • Afterwards we’ll have time for questions and discuss how it all went