Introduction to Video Editing

Sometimes students come to the DKC for assistance with crafting video projects and you may also have to work with video editing software (primarily Canva) for internal projects for the DKC.


When it comes to video editing, there are a number of DKC guides that cover the topic.  Most types of software, including Canva, also produce their own guides to teach you how to get started. One last important note is that free media resources can be invaluable when it comes to making the video of your dreams.


Despite being the Digital Knowledge Center, we have yet to employ robots. To insure we are not being secretly infiltrated, we have devised a test that is hopefully more exciting than clicking on all the boxes that contain images of a crosswalk. Using the guides above, create a video that showcases your unique (hopefully human) personality!

The requirements for this video are you:

  • Use the Canva video editor
  • The video should be about 30 seconds long
  • Include either music or sound effects
  • Feature some text

The video can be about anything that matters to you. Show off your plant children, a hobby, or your personal rating of benches around campus. The sky’s the limit. Once you have crafted your future Emmy-winning masterpiece export it from Canva and upload it to YouTube. If you’ve never done this before we have a handy guide on getting started with YouTube.

When uploading your video make sure you:

  • Adjust your privacy settings to unlisted
  • Make sure you edit the auto-generated transcripts

Lastly it wouldn’t be an activity without a blog post! For this blog post I want you to:

  • Embed your video
  • Cite where you got any media you incorporated (both video and audio)
  • Talk about what it was like to use the Canva editor. What did you like, dislike, etc?