Category: Training Activity Posts

  • Test Video

  • test timeline

  • Training Post #5

    I had quite the time trying to fix my site after breaking it. At first I googled the error message that appeared on my site but it didn’t really bring me to any solutions to my problem. After not finding any solutions that way I looked up what I did wrong and looked for WordPress…

  • Training #4

    I had a really fun time learning about the different ways to make a webpage accessible. The most interesting thing for me was learning about alt. text because that was a feature that I had never used or heard of before. In addition to this feature I found it interesting how design elements impact accessibility.…

  • Training Post #2

    My main focus today was reorganizing my website and making sure everything was where it is supposed to be and that the site was easy to navigate. I designated the about me page as the homepage for the site with the training posts page as an option in the menu. On the about me page…

  • Training Post #1

    This semester I am training to be a consultant at the DKC! By the end of this semester I will have gained new tech skills and will be able to help others make websites like this! Let’s chat about the customization of my website! I started by changing the theme and creating a page for…

  • Training Post #3

    Today I created a site using sites@umw! The main difference I noticed between Sites and DoOO is in their abilities and uses. In general you can do more with DoOO. Sites is only site building using WordPress while on Domain of One’s Own you can install other applications for site building and other needs. In…

  • Hello All!

    This website will be dedicated to my training semester at Mary Washington’s Digital Knowledge Center! If you wanna keep up with my assigned posts and projects, check out my Training Posts page! A Little Bit About Me My name is Ally and I am a Freshman at the University of Mary Washington. I plan to…
