Start Building a Site with WordPress

As mentioned in the Introduction to WordPress, the vast majority of users of Domain of One’s Own use WordPress to build their site. Most of these sites are for a class and depending on the Professor they might have different goals they need to achieve. The activity below will be similar to what many students are asked to do when creating a site where they are expected to blog and showcase their work for the course.


Using the subdomain you’ve already created for this course (or make a new one if you so choose) I want you to start building a site dedicated to the learning happening this semester. To start this building process I want you to do the following:

  • If you haven’t already, install and activate a new theme (a non-block theme). Spend some time in the customizer changing the look and feel of your site.
  • Give your site an interesting title (define interesting however you want)
  • Change the author display name from the default “admin” to a display name of your choosing
  • Create a page that will be the homepage for your site and set it as your homepage. Content on this page can be whatever you’d like.
    • Bonus points if you use block(s) you’ve never tried before to do something new. The home page would also be a great place to try out patterns.
  • Create a page that will display your blog posts
  • For your first blog post I want you to:
    • Tell us about some of the customization you’ve done to your site (anything you want to share here, it doesn’t need to be exhaustive)
    • Something new you learned about WordPress in getting your site setup (or something new you learned about WordPress in general so far).
    • Share a favorite/interesting/recently watched YouTube video and embed it into your post. This can be anything (just make sure it is work appropriate) and tell us why you shared it.

If you haven’t already shared your URL for the training course be sure to post it in the DKC Staff Training channel. I’ll be aggregating posts from your sites into one place.
