Top Secret Video Project Part 2

Now, for the moment you have all been waiting for, it’s part 2 of your top secret video assignment. You have gathered footage for your ADC video and all that is left is assembling the pieces!


Unlike when you had to prove you weren’t a robot, this top-secret assignment won’t be limited to Canva (unless you want it to be). Instead, you will be free to use any video editor your heart desires. Feeling overwhelmed by all the choices you could make? No worries! Check out the DKC video guides to see what you think would be the best fit for you and get a preview of other video software you may encounter during your time as a consultant. You can also ask other consultants for suggestions or help.

If you don’t own the programs listed, it is possible to access some of them through the computers at the DKC. There is also the option of Apps Anywhere.

Remember, there are free media resources available if you want to add anything like sound effects or music to your video!


There are two parts to the next piece of your mission. When accomplishing the following tasks, it is important to keep the parameters of the video in mind.

They are as follows:

  • At least two people (you can include yourself) being interviewed about the change (see below for question ideas)
    • These two people should have lower thirds to introduce them (you can use people’s real names or not)
  • B-roll shots of the DKC
  • No longer than 60 seconds

Part 1

  • Use your choice of editors to design your trailer for the ADC
    • Remember your trailer should only be about a minute long
    • Also, keep in mind any accessibility considerations you have learned about
  • Upload it to YouTube and post the link on your blog
  • Be prepared to share a rough cut video
    • You can check what date you will be presenting on Asana
    • Be prepared to receive feedback about the work you have accomplished so far

Part 2

After you have received feedback on your future masterpiece, it’s time to put the final touches on your video!

  • Make the changes you want based on the feedback you received
  • Complete any final touches needed for your video
  • Upload the final draft to YouTube
  • Finally, post a link to your video on your blog and write about its creation. This can include difficulties you encountered, why you did or didn’t incorporate feedback, or what you thought of different video editing software.

Best of luck completing your daring mission and we are all excited to see your amazing videos!
