Big update!

I am happy to say that I was able to put the flume together today! The epoxy weld has a 72 hour curing time, so it will be a little bit until we are able to put water into it. However, it was super exciting to finally put it together and see it in all of its glory. I am going to include some images of the flume:

We crafted some supports with 2x4s and some spare wood to hold the walls of the flume in place, as well to add support so that I was able to weld the pieces to the bottom plate.

I was super pleased with the way that the back plate fit in between the two walls, and it seems like it’s going to be a perfect fit. This was relieving because working with water can be super difficult. If there are any gaps in the welds we will have to go back over them with an acrylic filler to prevent leaks.